martes, 8 de mayo de 2018



It's dramatically satisfying, spectacular and terrifically exciting, easily justifying the decision to split the last book into two.

Here is where the Harry Potter series gets its groove back, with a final confrontation between Voldemort and our young hero, and with the sensational revelation of Harry's destiny, which Dumbledore had been keeping secret from him.

Resultado de imagen de enfrentamiento entre voldemort y harry potter ultima pelicula

And when, the middle-age Harry Potter gently hugs his little boy before sending him off for his first year at Hogwarts – well, what can I say? I just started to cry.

Resultado de imagen de harry potter dandole un abrazo a su hijo

 The first movie, Philosopher's Stone, came out in 2001, when JK Rowling was working on the fifth book, Order of the Phoenix, and when no one, perhaps not even the author herself, knew precisely how it was going to end. The movies developed just behind the books, and it's surely impossible to read them without being influenced by the films.

In this final episode, Harry, Hermione  and Ron continue their battle to find and destroy the "horcruxes" that the sinister Voldemort needs so he can stay alive for all eternity: these are objects in which the fragments of souls are trapped and whose vital, spiritual force Voldemort, can siphon off for his own ends. 
Harry and his friends track down these horcruxes, but the last one is a puzzle. As the forces of good assemble at Hogwarts for the final showdown with Voldemort and his hordes, Harry knows only that the most vital horcrux is actually in the castle, very close at hand.

Imagen relacionada

martes, 17 de abril de 2018



This photo is about a fox. This animal is a small mammal. It's mostly orange but it's also white and black. It has got a width tail and big ears. 

martes, 10 de abril de 2018



This is a wonderful image of a zebra. It is a mammal. It's black and it has got white stripes. The zebra eats grass. It usually lives in Africa. It's similar to a horse but with some differences in the tail and in the rest of the body.

They are strong animals, similar to the horses. That is why over the years it has tried to be domesticated, but the nature of zebras is different from that of horses and domestication has been practically impossible.